Tuesday, June 17, 2008


So at the poking and prodding of everyone in the world, I decided to try and read Twilight. I'm not a book reader. Truth be told, I think I've read 2 books for enjoyment my entire life. That being said I was pretty sceptical that I'd end up reading more than a chapter. Well I started the book yesterday afternoon, and I'm proud...maybe embarrassed, to say that I'll be done tonight. It's pretty amazing and I can't wait to read the next one already. Enjoy the trailer below:


sarawhat said...

CHeck you out joey! Matt would never want to admit it either, but he's read all three. Well, he had all three read to him.

Melinda said...

The second one is better than the first. I haven't read the third one yet but I have heard it's pretty darn good!

Rachel said...

Yay Joey, you finally blogged again! I was getting tired of most of my friends & family having the same top blog for weeks at a time! Anyhow, I disagree that the second is better, but the third is my favorite of all. And I'm reading The Host (also by Stephenie Meyer) right now (just popped off the couch to try and make the appearance of a clean house before Dan gets home), and I really like it, too. You can borrow it when you're done with the Twilight books (which we have all 3 of if you need New Moon or Eclipse)!

Brittany said...

Hahaha! I am so impressed! I can't get Bryce to read them...I think it takes a real man! J/K! It took me a little bit to get into the first book, but I couldn't put the rest of them down either! You'll love the others...By the way, I wanted to wish you a HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!