Monday, July 7, 2008

My quest...

I'm on a quest to get to 165 lbs. I thought I'd use this as some additional motivation for me. I'm proud to say after one week, I've moved from 188.6 lbs and 30.6% body fat to 187.8 lbs and 28.3% body fat. I've got a 16 week plan so hopefully I can make it by then. Wish me luck. Also...any tips, suggestions are welcome.


Brittany said...

The only time I was able to loose any record weight, was when I gave birth! So other than that, I've got nothin' for ya!

trevan said...

no more pizza and hot dog combo's from costco!

ram said...

dude - 165? really? that will be tough. Go for it! Good luck. Vitamins and protein shakes and all that. I don't have any real advice.